“Happiness cannot be travelled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed.
Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude”
- Denis Waitley
Society and the media, for the most part, place importance on material and external pleasures. These are important, but your spiritual growth is about connecting with a part deep within you to help live a life with greater personal meaning and more authenticity. This can mean many things for different people.
Helping you on your spiritual journey involves questioning where you are in the world, what drives you and even how you can start the path to connecting with your higher self. It can also mean helping you discover your essence, inspiration or uncover the most appropriate values and beliefs about you and the world in which you live. This is usually achieved through meditation, contemplation and exploratory discussion. We treat it as an honour to be given the opportunity to share this journey with you.
We are trained in Reiki I and II as well as other energy healing modalities to help you on your spiritual journey.
“Everything in your life is there as a vehicle for your transformation. Use it!”
- Ram Dass